HackerYou Yearbook

Cohort 17 - Clearfix & Chill

January - March 2018

About Cohort 17

We came, we conquered, we clearfix!

We are the largest bootcamp cohort to have pass through the halls of HackerYou. We come from different walks of life and studies. Through the amazing stewardship of HackerYou, we bonded over the sheer number of hours coded by our entire cohort - an average of 300hrs per person for the duration of nine intensive weeks of immersive web development.

We laughed. We adhered to the international 3:34pm coffee break standard. We ate pizzas. We drank beers and wines on Fridays. We pushed ourselves to our limits so that we can become amazing web developers.

Congratulations Cohort 17! We made it!

HackerYou Team

photo of Heather Payne

Heather Payne


Under Heather's wonderful leadership, HackerYou has built one of the most amazing web development community. HackerYou alumni consistently help one another and mentor the upcoming cohorts.

a photo of Ryan Christiani

Ryan Christiani


You know that you've been schooled by Ryan when you recognize his infectious laughter and watch him one hand clap. He is a fountain of coding knowledge.

a photo of Sylvia Nguyen

Sylvia Nguyen

Lead Instructor

Effervescent and fun, Sylvia makes learning to code into fun and play. We also found out that she is an amazing singer.

a photo of Danny Paton

Danny Paton

Lead Instructor, Web Development

Danny's take aways will always remain with us. His happy and helpful words of wisdom helped us throughout bootcamp.

a photo of Melissa

Melissa Carter


Melissa has her quicky and quick come backs that will make you want to know more about what she thinks of your projects and work.

a photo of Kristen

Kristen Spencer

Lead Instructor, Web Development

It is no small feat to explain JavaScript in a just-JS way. Kristen has a way of explaining code that just makes so much sense to all of us.

a photo of Sarah Hamdi

Sarah Hamdi

Lead Instructor, Web Development

Sarah may be grading and watching our codes meticulously but she is also a pillar of strenght and support.

a photo of Christopher Miller

Christopher Miller

Program + Logistics Manager

How does he keep track of us and still make each of us feel like we have his full attention? Christopher's innate ability to care and make sure everything runs smoothly will not be amissed.

a photo of Brandon Keen

Brandon Keen

Marketing Coordinator

His one liners are exact and perfect. Perhaps also one of the funniest staff at HackerYou.

a photo of Sam Low-Chappell

Sam Low-Chappell

Admissions Coordinator

A quiet but intergral behind the scene. His constant encouragements and positivity brings light to our nine weeks of bootcamp.

a photo of Tarra Joshi

Tarra Joshi

Office Manager

She wields the power of what is kept inside the refrigerator. Her knowledge of all us is astounding.

a photo of Dug the Pug

Dug the Pug

Food Seeker

Ah Dug, the one pug, eating machine. We love him because he's like a sausage but more like a meatball. No bark will come out of him but you'll know he's following you if you hear his heavy breathing. He's a foodie through and through.

a photo of Leo the sweetest Poodle


Teddy Bear

The sweetest labradoodle ever to enter the halls of HackerYou. It is just a joy to see Leo wander in and out of classrooms.

Bootcamp - Cohort 17

Cohort 17

When you code together, you stay together...

photo of three pepole at a bar
photo of two people at a bar
photo of people in grafitti alley
photo of people on a sofa
photo of people working in open space
photo of people at ice bar
photo of a person doing charade
photo of two people singing karaoke
photo of a pug dog and a girl